Taing Brothers — Final Farewell

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Jenkintown, PA 19056


Taing Brothers

Peterson & Kevin Taing

Peterson & Kevin Taing

Kevin and Peterson passed away on Presidents Day a few years back. They were off from school. Their father had gone to do some errands and as the father was on his way home he noticed fire engines on his street.  Thinking nothing of it until he realized that it was his house that was on fire, and his two younger sons didn’t make it out of that fire. It devastated the whole family and he still suffers today. 

Final Farewell was able to help the Taing family by providing the funeral services free of charge as well their caskets. We provided some of the cost towards the cemetery. The family in the future paid for the grave stone and part of the cemetery plot as well. 

Taing Brothers
by Patricia Quinn

Providing a last kindness

On March 6, 2011, The Philadelphia Inquirer published an article about how Final Farewell helped the Taing Family provide a proper funeral for their two boys lost in fire.  READ MORE >>

Images from the funeral