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Jenkintown, PA 19056


Jace Wright

Jace Gause

Jace Gause

Jace was a beautiful baby!  He was born prematurely on April 9th 2012 at 24 weeks gestation ( I was 6 month pregnant).  I went into the hospital 1 week prior due to my cervix opening. The doctor noticed it on a routine ultrasound.  It was 4:20am and my water broke.  I was examined and because the nurse could feel Jace's feet, I had to have an emergency c-section.  He was so tiny, born weighing 1lb 5oz and only 11 inches long.  What a miracle!  For the next 8 weeks he was doing well and growing beautifully in the NICU.  I started a journal called Jace's Journey and added pictures to keep family informed of his progress on the Caringbridge website (  On the evening of June 2nd, he was diagnosed with Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC).  I didn't know what this was.  I learned that it happens to preemies and is a severe infection in the intestines which will cause them to become necrotic. The reason is unknown. The Dr.'s were watching this and giving Jace IV antibiotics to try to stop it from causing further damage.  They didn't work.  He had surgery on the morning of June 3th to remove all of his necrotic (dead) intestine.  They surgery was a success, but he had to be watched closely.  The next 36 hours were crucial.  My husband and I stayed overnight just to be with him.  The doctors told us we could go home and get some rest and if anything happens they will call us.  We got a phone call within minutes of being home telling us to come back.  Jace made a turn for the worst.  We went back.  Jace became septic and his kidneys shut down and his tiny little heart was beating so fast.  We were informed that once multiple organs start shutting down, there was nothing else they could do for him.  The doctors did all the could for Jace.  They kept him comfortable with pain meds.  He passed away in my arms and surrounded by family on the evening of June 4th at 6:45pm.  He was 8 weeks old.


Monica Wright
Jace's Mother